Members Morocco

FIMAP – Fédération Interprofessionnelle Marocaine


UAPIM - Union des Apiculteurs au Maroc


Association régional des apiculteurs de l'Oriental


Coopérative Al Kahir


Association Apiculteurs de Tamezaght


Coopérative Agricole Chifae


Union des Coopératives et Associations Cercle Tétouan


Numbers of beekeepers: 55.200, among which 32.600 modern beekeepers and 22.600 traditional beekeepers

% of professional beekeepers: 10%

% of pluriactive beekeepers: 70%

% of amatorial beekeepers: 20%

Number of hives: 506.750 among which 162.200 traditional and 348.500 modern

Types of hives: Dadant et Langstroth

Average production per hive:
- modern hive: 10-15 kg/hive/year
- traditional hive: 3-6 kg/hive/year
Sedentary beekeeping: Yes
Transhumant beekeeping: Yes
Average distance of transhumance:
- In lowland areas: 100-200 km
- In mountain areas: 600-700 km and more
National production of honey: 4.500 T in 2014
Domestic consumption: 4.500 T of national production and more than 4000 T imported in 2014
Average consumption per inhabitant: 250 g/inhab./year
Exported production: 0
Diversity of honey products: Orang, Eucalyptus, Bersim, Colver, Euphorbe , Origan, Lavander, Rosmary, Carob, Jujubier, Sunflower, Multiflower,….
Pollination of crops: too little developed
Production of pollen: too little developed
Production of Royal Jelly: too little developed
Intoxication problems: Yes
If yes, which are the crops at risks? Sunflower, Lavander, Forest
Other characteristics of the country: the value chain it not so developed, there are lot of potentialities to be exploited and developed.

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