Members Morocco
+212661089763 | | |
+2122662855988 | |
+212661582820 | |
+212661582820 | |
+2126616297 | |
+2126616297 | |
+212661089763 | |
Numbers of beekeepers: 55.200, among which 32.600 modern beekeepers and 22.600 traditional beekeepers
% of professional beekeepers: 10%
% of pluriactive beekeepers: 70%
% of amatorial beekeepers: 20%
Number of hives: 506.750 among which 162.200 traditional and 348.500 modern
Types of hives: Dadant et Langstroth
Average production per hive:
- modern hive: 10-15 kg/hive/year
- traditional hive: 3-6 kg/hive/year
Sedentary beekeeping: Yes
Transhumant beekeeping: Yes
Average distance of transhumance:
- In lowland areas: 100-200 km
- In mountain areas: 600-700 km and more
National production of honey: 4.500 T in 2014
Domestic consumption: 4.500 T of national production and more than 4000 T imported in 2014
Average consumption per inhabitant: 250 g/inhab./year
Exported production: 0
Diversity of honey products: Orang, Eucalyptus, Bersim, Colver, Euphorbe , Origan, Lavander, Rosmary, Carob, Jujubier, Sunflower, Multiflower,….
Pollination of crops: too little developed
Production of pollen: too little developed
Production of Royal Jelly: too little developed
Intoxication problems: Yes
If yes, which are the crops at risks? Sunflower, Lavander, Forest
Other characteristics of the country: the value chain it not so developed, there are lot of potentialities to be exploited and developed.