Members Lebanon

Syndacate of Beekeepers in South Lebanon


Union of beekeepers cooperatives in AKKAR


Cooperative Association of Beekeeping and Development of Honey Production


Survey form on beekeeping

Name of the Country: Lebanon
Numbers of beekeepers: more than 6.000
% Of professional beekeepers: 16%
% Of pluriactive and amatorial beekeepers: 84%
Number of hives: 250.000 ABOUT
Types of hives: Langstroth
Average production per hive: 15 kg
Sedentary beekeeping: Yes
Transhumant beekeeping: Yes
Average distance of transhumance: 100/300 km
National production of honey: 2.500/3.000 tons/year
Domestic consumption: 90% of domestic production
Average consumption per inhabitant: the consumption of honey is increasing, especially with reference to the lebanese honey
Exported production: 60/100 tons
Diversity of honey products: orange blossom, mille fleurs, oad tree honey, mountain honey
Production of pollen: few
Production of Royal Jelly: few

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