Members Jordan

GIORDANIAN Beekeepers Association


Survey form on beekeeping

Name of the Country: Jordan
Numbers of beekeepers: 1.000
% Of professional beekeepers: 5%
% Of pluriactive beekeepers: 85%
% Of amatorial beekeepers: 10%
Number of hives: 60.000
Types of hives: Langstroth
Average production per hive: 8 kg
Sedentary beekeeping: Yes
Transhumant beekeeping: Yes
Average distance of transhumance: 50-400 km
National production of honey: 500 tons/year
Domestic consumption: 2500 tons
Average consumption per inhabitant: 0.35 kg
Exported production: 5 tons
Diversity of honey products: all the savage floers, chestnut, heater; multiflora honey
Pollination of crops: rare
Production of pollen: 3-5 tons
Production of Royal Jelly: 40-50 kg
Intoxication problems: yes
If yes, which are the crops at risks?: Citrus, Vegetables

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