Members Algeria

ADAMB - Association Apiculteurs de Blida


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Survey form on beekeeping

Name of the Country: ALGERIA
Numbers of beekeepers: ABOUT 20.000
% Of professional beekeepers: 10%
% Of pluriactive and amatorial beekeepers: 90%
Number of hives: ABOUT 700.000
Types of hives: 10% Dadant – 90% Langstroth
Average production per hive: 6 KG
Sedentary beekeeping: YES
Transhumant beekeeping: YES NO
Average distance of transhumance: 50 – 700 KM
National production of honey: 4.500 TONS PER YEAR
Domestic consumption: 200% OF THE NATIONAL PRODUCTION
Average consumption per inhabitant: 300 G/PERSON/YEAR
Exported production:0% OF THE NATIONAL PRODUCTION
Diversity of honey products: orange, multiflora, eucalyptus, wild carrots, cardoons, euphorbia
Pollination of crops: YES
Production of pollen: YES
Production of Royal Jelly: RARE
Intoxication problems: YES
If yes, which are the crops at risks?: Arboriculture, cereals, steppe, pasture

Other characteristics of the beekeeping of the Country
Few professionals: Yes
The State sustains the rural development (distribution of beehives): Yes
The production chain lacks of organization: Yes
Lack of legislation on commercialization of honey: Yes

- The beekeepers do not feel the necessity to join the professional organizations, and that is because the technical services of the State maintain random direct relations with the beekeepers;

- In spite of the law, beekeepers do not declare every year their hives;

- The associations are represented neither in the funding commission of the project nor in the technical support commission of the public powers, and this don not favour their representativeness in the profession;

ANAP – National Association of Professional Beekeepers

Presidente HAMZAOUI Mohammed: +2130773485781;

Segretario Generale: KHEZRADJI Islam: +213551228210  


Organization of the beekeeping value chain
To organize the different segments of the value chain and making them realize their activities according to the legislation that is currently into force;
To give credibility to the instruments of identification of the beekeeper (carte d'exploitant agricole, sanitary permit, etc..);
To institute the National Beekeeping Committee, according to it a consultative role in the monitoring the action plan of the Ministery;
To recognize the Beekeeping Committee as the interlocutor of the value chain in the relations with the Ministry, working for the elaboration and the implementation of the national beekeeping programme of sustainable development;
To facilitate in the long term the constitution of the interprofession;
To create a technical-economic observatory of the value chain, with the aim of constituting a representative database of beekeeping;

To organize the production and the market
Law on the origin of honey;
To harmonize and update the national legislation on honeys;
Realize a study on the market of honey in Algeria (the different circuits of the national production, import, transformation, towards the final consumer);
To organize national circuits for the commercialization of the national beekeeping products upstream/downstream respecting the traceability of the products;
To fight against the non-formal market, favoring the professionalization of the beekeepers in realizing their activity according to the legislation currently into force with the aim of ensuring the quality and traceability of their products;
To organize distribution circuits for the selling of honey creating spaces reserved for the local products of Algeria;
To reinforce the controls on the retail market, implementing instruments for determining the traceability of the commercialized products and their quality;
To organize and participate to national and international fairs and expositions in order to increase the visibility of the local products;
To improve the surplus of the products, to promote, to label, appealing to the Label National Committee;
To work in close cooperation with among the researchers and beekeepers (analysis, valorization, promotion of local honeys);
The producers have to elaborate for each one of their products a contract document for having a better quality warranty;
To work for the institution of laboratories of certification;
To favor the public institutions support of the professional organizations that work for the collection and commercialization of the beekeeping products and especially for the realization of a laboratory in which it will be possible to make the preliminary analysis before receiving the products from the producers;
To strengthen the control on the use of phytosanitary products that are harmful to bees and environment;
To implement an awareness activity with schools and education institutions on the beekeeping products;
To cooperate with ALGEX in the research of possibilities to export some specific honeys (export aids towards growth niches);

To create a competitive queen bees and swarms value chain
To allow the beekeepers to verify during the breeding with the support of specialized laboratories the type of bee in their apiaries (Apis mellifera intermissa , Apis mellifera sahariensis or other) through the study of the morph-geometric variability;
To reinforce the queen bees and swarms value chain through the realization of breeding and selection workshops, in order to improve the mastery of the productive lines. A certain number of nurseries will be able to spread the genetic progress in the market of swarms, incrementing the performance of the beehives and the national livestock;
To build a scheme of selection with the specialists following the criteria of: honey production, cleaning, swarming;
To build a survey form of the races under threat for the bee and regional conservatories;
To organize regional center of improvement genetic spread of bees;
To encourage the regional production of queen bees adapted to the local ecotype (improving the profitability of this activity);
To organize the artificial insemination (to study the possibility to create one or two centers for the artificial insemination at national level), and the making them available for a maximum number of student;
To ensure the production of colonies in a calendar that is corresponds to the beekeepers demand. Court circuits can ensure the quality of the products;
To develop the conservation techniques of the queen bees in the winter;

To better train and organize the beekeepers

The professionals have to be considered as inevitable actors in the elaboration of the reference of the training and the divulgation of the beekeeper profession;
To sustain the creation of beekeeping schools in the cooperatives and associations according to the contract documents of the training; the schools of beekeeping is an instrument for the training but also for other aspects:
exchange spaces and for the sharing of experiences among the beekeepers;
site for demonstration (instrument of the divulgation of a new technique or treatment…);
site of resources (documentation);
advice and assistance, through devices of patronage (among novice beekeepers);

To reinforce the professional competencies on training issues such as artificial insemination, selection of local bees populations, beekeeping pathologies, honeys technology; "Savoir fare" in marketing, bee health and chemical intoxication, comprehension of the operating of the production factors;
To favor the organization of seminars, national annual forum of beekeeping;
To elaborate and spread a guide of beekeeping good practices.

Research and development
To launch calls for proposals for research on beekeeping and ask the evaluation of the scientific excellence of the research projects presented in the framework of the PNR;
To federate research teams around the following themes (biology et physiology of the bee, breeding of bees, honey production and other beekeeping products, ecotoxicology pathologies and therapeutic, sanitary security of products);
To contribute to the development of the beekeeping value chain in Algeria by training students of professional schools;
To multiply the agreements among the Scientifics and professionals that deal with the issue of the development of the national beekeeping;


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